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RTB (starting)

Setting the meeting point to ferry terminal was not a great idea. It's more than 500m away from the start line. We were almost exhausted by the time we crossed the START line. "We are nearly there!!". For us, the big blue arch seemed to be the finish gate, but not..

By the way, we should put our bib in front (instead of bak of the T shirt), so that the MC can identify us and talk about us. We missed this chance this time.

We had a helper from another team (walker) to push Mogaina's COGY going up the first hill at the end of Quay street, which was good. The Samba rhythm also cheered us up.

Then going down is of course easy, especially with the Taiko drum waiting at the bottom of the hill on Tamaki drive.

After the person, who helped us going up the hill, left us, I set snack for Morgaina's COGY so that she can eat whenever she wants. today's choice of her snack was, a bag of potato-chips and energy bar (mainly dates). I chose potato chips as a start and set it onto COGY with a clip. I am not sure this choice was the best. I believe right choice of snacking will make our energy last longer. and this day was not the case..

After a while, when we came too far to hear Taiko any more, we got another set of helpers. The local runner couple pushed our chairs! "Do you mind if we help you?" they said, and we said "Of course not!". They saw us from where they live, that is close from the start of Tamaki drive. After quite a while, they came out for weekly running and saw us again still pedalling Parnel area. That time, I (Koko, on manual wheelchair) was trying to give Morgaina's COGY a push, using my foot. Then they thought we need help. Yes, that's right!!

I actually had a fraction of second thought, "should we be doing this by ourselves?". But I declined. My biggest concern is the traffic control. We really want to get to Kelly Tarlton before the road opens for vehicles.

I have already inspected all the course (on the footpath) 2 month ago. And I found, in front of Oahu Bay has the worst surface with dent/slope/crack. This is the reason I wanted to make it to Kelly Tarlton before traffic opens.

They helped us till the end of bridge, on the corner with Ngapipi drive. Before that, we passed the DJ booth. DJ was enjoying his own world, and we joined him for 10 sec with dancing movement.

We also saw on the bridge, people packing up from their performance, too. It was a kind of sad feeling, but much easier with the helpers' company.

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