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Hydration and food intake

We have to keep on taking energy in(food), and keep on hydrating ourselves during the event. And we have to practice these, too.

Morgaina usually drinks sparkling water, but I am not sure if this is the best. She simply doesn't like the taste of plain water. WE could probably try fruit tea etc, which makes "scented" water without sugar. Sugar is important during the event, but I am not sure about the stickiness of the sugar. Also, Morgaina does not like lollies during the exercise, either (Me neither). Probably sugary drink won't appeal much to her.

Snacking is another issue. Morgaina has a gluten allergy. I made a tiny sushi ball with brown rice for her, but it did not appeal the best. Anyway, we have to find some shape of energy food, which is easy to put into mouth. Morgaina would like to try Bliss balls next time.

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